2010.06.26. 19:31


DAEMON TOOLS PRO V4.30.305   |  11 MB

DAEMON Tools is a virtual cd/dvd-rom emulator and is able to emulate nearly all known copy protections on the market today.

The application mounts ISO images to a virtual drive without having to burn them to a CD.

It is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and incorporates all its features. This program allows running Backup Copies of SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom, Laserlock, CDCOPS, StarForce and Protect CD (and many others) protected games. Also included is a Virtual DVDROM drive (Generic DVD-ROM) enabling you to use your CD images as if they were already burned to CD! DAEMON Tools works under Windows9x/ME/NT/2000/XP with all types of CD/DVDROM drives (IDE/SCSI) and supports nearly any CD protection.

DAEMON Tools supports the following image files:

* cue/bin
* iso
* ccd (CloneCD)
* bwt (Blindwrite)
* mds (Media Descriptor File)
* cdi (Discjuggler)
* nrg (Nero)
* pdi (Instant CD/DVD)
* b5t (BlindWrite 5)





DAEMON TOOLS PRO V4.30.305 from Rapidshare, Megaupload, HotFile, DepositFiles, Uploaded.to, Megashares, DAEMON TOOLS PRO V4.30.305 free Torrent Download & Crack Serial Keygen.

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